
Zpráva společnosti Zamboni
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As we are all aware, the evolving COVID-19 crisis has resulted in unprecedented guidance from the local governments which impacts our ability to conduct business as usual. We appreciate your understanding of our need to comply with all local orders as they are updated by the authorities.
As of Thursday, March 19th at midnight, our Paramount, California facility has been impacted by the order from the State of California which requires all non-essential businesses to close their doors until April 19, 2020.
Our Paramount team will continue operating remotely, however we will be unable to process orders for parts. If you have a local Zamboni Authorized Distributor, we encourage you to reach out to them with your need for parts and service. Our Paramount facility phone will continue to be answered remotely between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm PST daily. At this moment, the Canadian and Swedish business units remain in operation should you require their assistance.
We will be planning the efficient return to production of machines and support of parts orders as soon as we are allowed to do so. We will use our social media platforms and our customer email database to share information.
Together, we will weather the storm and we hope that your families, friends and customers remain healthy and safe.